Sam & Shannon's Advocare Info

If anyone would like to experience 
The AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge please go to our AdvoCare Page
To give a little bit of my/our history, I have decided to use this page as a tool. One of my daughters and I decided to embark on the Advocare journey together. In all honesty, I think she wanted me to be the guinea pig, for she is pregnant with our miracle baby, Emma Claire, and decided to wait until she is born to start her 24 day challenge. I started my twenty-four day on July 13.

Real People!

 Samantha has Hodgkin Disease. I think one of the things that upset her most was when they told her she had an 80% chance of being infertile. I know it broke my heart to hear the odds of her ever having a child. So, that is why I say a miracle. Sam had to endure chemo, steroid and radiation treatments until they saw it was damaging her lungs, so all was stopped.

 Remember, our God is still in the miracle business. The PET scan that was done after they stopped her treatments showed the mass that started on the side of her heart and overlapped her right lung was still there, but by the Grace of God and many prayers from all over NO cancer activity was seen. SO NO MORE CANCER. Sam gained a little bit of weight from steroids, now she is preggo and gaining more. I look forward to seeing her on her journey in October.

Advocare is not just for the REALLY overweight!

 Not too much to say about myself, except I am excited to be doing this. It has taken me a while to get on board with the right attitude, but I am here. That is a character flaw of my own, not an Advocare flaw. I am in a size 20-22 at this moment. Nope, I do not care to share my weight. ;-) 

I really like this story that all began with SPARK!

 Since starting this challenge I have lost 12 pounds. That is what I am focused on. The thing that no one can see but close friends and family who take the time to notice and know me, have noticed a different change since July 13. It is a MAJOR change! I FEEL AWESOME, before I did not want to do anything, go anywhere, even hated waking up. I was not going to tell anyone what I was doing, even lied saying nothing. But the ones closest knew something was different. I want the weight loss and know Advocare will get me there if I work the program. But more than anything, I WANT this wonderful focused, energetic, happy feeling I have not seen before. 

  When you purchase AdvoCare through me, you get my support. I want everyone to feel as good as me, and I promise that I will be there for anyone who needs me and be more than honest. I do not know enough to guide anyone, but I will make the most knowledgeable people in this area available to you for guidance on your 24 day challenge.

UPDATE: 8/16/2012
I feel I could go buy a size 18 and it would fit. My weight loss is about 22 lbs now, and inches I am unsure of, but I use safety pins for most all of my shorts. My energy level is so wild! Loving it!

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