Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Mornings

Every Monday Morning I decide I must try to be healthier in the coming week.  I usually do well te first day but then after things speed up during the week I do like lots of other people and grab whatever food and drink is fast and helps me to move on keeping my schedule on track.  Then toward the end of the week, I feel bloated, tired and discouraged.  It is this pattern that I HAVE to change. 
I am making a commitment to exercise at least 30 minutes on at least 3 days this week!  I mean it!!!


  1. Easy Citrus Asparagus
    One bundle of fresh asparagus
    (cut base off as to have only tender flavorful part of asparagus)
    Place asparagus in medium skillet
    Add ½ cup Sunny D Lemon Lime Drink Heat until boiling
    Add the juice of two lemon wedges
    Also add the lemon wedge itself
    Cover with lid and cook on low for about 6 minutes
    Remove from heat and sprinkle with salt and pepper
    We discovered this recipe recently when at a campsite with no oil, no butter and limited ingredients.

  2. That sounds like something I'd like!

  3. please post more recipes.
